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examine variables中文是什么意思

用"examine variables"造句"examine variables"怎么读"examine variables" in a sentence


  • 变量检测


  • Examine variable values defined in the current egl program and in the functions invoked when the debugger is stopped
  • The jsp debugger can be extremely useful when troubleshooting web applications , and in particular in examining variables as shown here
    当为web应用程序排除故障,特别是像这里那样查看变量时, jsp调试器极为有用。
  • After the silverware lock is acquired , a thread could examine variables to see if a complete set of silverware is available
  • You can examine variables and program state at the first breakpoint location , then continue execution to the second breakpoint location , and so on
  • You can set breakpoints , start the debugger , break into code , examine variables , and perform all the functions associated with the visual studio debugger
    您可以设置断点,启动调试器,中断至代码,检查变量以及执行所有与visual studio调试器关联的功能。
  • Run debug as run - time workbench . this time we can step through the source code , examine variables , etc . , in the original workbench while the plug - in runs in the second workbench instance
  • Once you have attached your debugger to the customer s workbench , you may take advantage of the full power of the eclipse debugger by setting breakpoints , examining variables and execution stacks , and more
用"examine variables"造句  
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